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Discovering Event Structure in Continuous Narrative Perception and Memory




Publications and Resources

Getting Involved in the Lab

Copyright Notice: These materials are presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights are retained by authors or by other copyright holders.

Public Preprints

M. Bennett, C. Baldassano."imgtofmri: a python package for predicting group-level fMRI responses to visual stimuli using deep neural networks."
[pdf] | [GitHub link]
J. Huang, I. Velarde, W.J. Ma, C. Baldassano."Schema-based predictive eye movements support sequential memory encoding." PsyArXiv, 2022.
[PsyArXiv link]
T. Golan*, M. Siegelman*, N. Kriegeskorte, C. Baldassano."Testing the limits of natural language models for predicting human language judgments." arXiv, 2022.
[arXiv link]
T.S. Yates, L.J. Skalaban, C.T. Ellis, A.J. Bracher, C. Baldassano, N.B. Turk-Browne."Neural event segmentation of continuous experience in human infants." bioRxiv, 2021.
[bioRxiv link]

Journal Publications

S.S. Cohen, C. Baldassano."Developmental changes in story-evoked responses in the neocortex and hippocampus." eLife, 2022.
[journal link] | [pdf]
R. Masís-Obando, K.A. Norman, C. Baldassano."Schema representations in distinct brain networks support narrative memory during encoding and retrieval." eLife, 2022.
[journal link] | [pdf]
J.A. Williams, E.H. Margulis, S.A. Nastase, J. Chen, U. Hasson, K.A. Norman, C. Baldassano. "High-Order Areas and Auditory Cortex Both Represent the High-Level Event Structure of Music." Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2022.
[journal link] | [pdf]
M. Kumar, M. Anderson, J. Antony, C. Baldassano, P. Brooks, M. Cai, P.-H. Chen, C. Ellis, G. Henselman-Petrusek, D. Huberdeau, J.B. Hutchinson, Y.P. Li, Q. Lu, J. Manning, A.C. Mennen, S. Nastase, H. Richard, A.C. Schapiro, N. Schuck, M. Shvartsman, N. Sundaram, D. Suo, J.S. Turek, V. Vo, G. Wallace, Y. Wang, H. Zhang, X. Zhu, M. Capota, J. Cohen, U. Hasson, K. Li, P.J. Ramadge, N. Turk-Browne, T. Willke, K.A. Norman. "BrainIAK: The Brain Imaging Analysis Kit." Aperture Neuro, 2022.
[journal link] | [pdf]
Companion Notebooks
A. Wu, S.A. Nastase, C. Baldassano, N.B. Turk-Browne, K.A. Norman, B.E. Engelhardt, J.W. Pillow."Brain kernel: a new spatial covariance function for fMRI data." NeuroImage, 2021.
[journal link] | [pdf]
S.A. Nastase, Y.-F. Liu, H. Hillman, A. Zadbood, L. Hasenfratz, N. Keshavarzian, J. Chen, C.J. Honey, Y. Yeshurun, M. Regev, M. Nguyen, C.H.C. Chang, C. Baldassano, O. Lositsky, E. Simony, M.A. Chow, Y.C. Leong, P.P. Brooks, E. Micciche, G. Choe, A. Goldstein, T. Vanderwal, Y.O. Halchenko, K.A. Norman, U. Hasson. "Narratives: fMRI data for evaluating models of naturalistic language comprehension." Scientific Data, 2021.
[journal link] | [pdf]
H. Tarder-Stoll, C. Gasser, W. Yu, H.R. Dimsdale-Zucker. "Challenges in Understanding the Role of Reactivation in Modifying Hippocampal Representations." Journal Club commentary for the Journal of Neuroscience, 2021.
[journal link] | [pdf]
C. Chen, Q. Lu, A. Beukers, C. Baldassano, K. Norman. "Learning to perform role-filler binding with schematic knowledge." PeerJ, 2021.
[journal link] | [pdf]
C. Ellis, C. Baldassano, A.C. Schapiro, M.B. Cai, J.D. Cohen. "Facilitating open-science with realistic fMRI simulation: validation and application." PeerJ, 2020.
[journal link] | [pdf]
M. Siegelman and C. Baldassano. "Remembering together." News & Views, Nature Human Behaviour, 2019.
[journal link] | [pdf]
M. Silva, C. Baldassano, L. Fuentemilla. "Rapid memory reactivation at movie event boundaries promotes episodic encoding." Journal of Neuroscience, 2019.
[journal link] | [pdf]
I.I.A. Groen, M.R. Greene, C. Baldassano, L. Fei-Fei, L., D.M. Beck, C.I. Baker. "Distinct contributions of functional and deep neural network features to representational similarity of scenes in human brain and behavior." eLife, 2018.
[journal link] | [pdf]
K. Vodrahalli, P.H. Chen, Y. Liang, C. Baldassano, J. Chen, E. Yong, C. Honey, U. Hasson, P. Ramadge, K.A. Norman, S. Arora. "Mapping Between fMRI Responses to Movies and their Natural Language Annotations." NeuroImage, 2017.
[journal link] | [pdf]
C. Baldassano, L. Fei-Fei, D.M. Beck. "Pinpointing the peripheral bias in neural scene-processing networks during natural viewing." Journal of Vision, 2016.
[journal link] | [pdf] | [supplementary pdf]
M.R. Greene, C. Baldassano, A. Esteva, D.M. Beck, L. Fei-Fei. "Visual scenes are categorized by function." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2016.
[journal link] | [pdf] | [supplementary pdf]
C. Baldassano, M.C. Iordan, D.M. Beck, L. Fei-Fei. "Discovering Voxel-Level Functional Connectivity Between Cortical Regions." Machine Learning and Interpretation in NeuroImaging Workshop, NIPS 2012.


C. Baldassano. "Visual scene perception in the human brain: connections to memory, categorization, and social cognition." PhD Dissertation.
[Stanford Library] | [pdf]


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